Here is a good description from the user manual:

The Hifidelio
"The Hifidelio is a music server to be connected to your stereo system and is designed to store your complete music library and play it back. It enables you to very easily find the music tracks you want to play. You can store songs from external sources on your Hifidelio, and you are able to produce your own CD from its content (obeying the Copyright Laws of your country). You can generate individual playlists or let the Hifidelio generate searchlists according to criteria you have defined. You can connect the Hifidelio to a computer network and broadcast per streaming Internet radio stations. Additionally, you can create a multi-room solution by connecting the Hifidelio to other additional devices, the so-called satellites. Your Hifidelio can then distribute its music to these devices based in various rooms. You can also use the Hifidelio as a simple CD player."
Veronica is a VNC
server that allows remote control of a Hifidelio Wireless Music Center using your network
connection. This technology allows the creation of a virtual screen on server
side that the user is able to control on client side. Veronica uses the
LibVncServer library
(distributed under GNU public license) which implements the underlying
Remote Framebuffer Protocol.
On client side, you need a VNC viewer application that can display a virtual
VNC screen. You easily can find online and download freeware VNC client applications
for popular personal computer operating systems (including Windows, Mac OS X, and
Linux,) PDAs and mobile phones.
- VNC screens and controls to which you can apply different themes
- Cover art integration
- Display scaling support
- Java VNC viewer applet
- Remote system command execution
Download Veronica files
veronica-0.5.5-bin.tar.gz (Installer and program files)
veronica-0.5.5-src.tar.gz (Source files and documentation)
veronica-0.5-doc.pdf (German user's guide)
veronica-changelog.txt (Veronica changelog)
black_coverart.tar.gz (Veronica theme "black_coverart")
- Copy veronica-x.x.x-bin.tar.gz to the import folder
- Open a Telnet session to your Hifidelio
- Enter the following commands at the Linux prompt:
cd /audio/import tar -zxvf veronica-x.x.x-bin.tar.gz ./install
Here is a sample output of a successful installation:
---------------------------- Veronica 0.5.5 installation ---------------------------- veronica stop [ OK ] Copying program files Copying start script veronica start Veronica installed.
To clean up the installation files afterwards (otherwise they appear in the "Import" menu of your Hifidelio,) just use the following command:
./install -clean
The tool hfscreenshot creates screenshots of content displayed on Hifidelio. The usage as it is shown with the "--help" parameter is pretty self-explanatory:
Usage: hfscreenshot [OPTION]... IMAGE-NAME Usage options: -i, --image-format image format of the output file; possible values are 'jpg' or 'bmp'; default is 'jpg' -q, --jpeg-quality jpeg quality range is 0 (worst) to 100 (best); default is 90 -f, --foreground foreground color of the output image; default is hex '000000' -b, --background background color of the output image; default is hex 'aacccc' -d, --target-dir place output file in the given directory -h, --help display this help message
Download hfscreenshot file
hfscreenshot.tar.gz (Binary and source files)
- Copy hfscreenshot.tar.gz to the import folder
- Open a Telnet session to your Hifidelio
- Enter the following commands at the Linux prompt:
cd /audio/import tar -zxvf hfscreenshot.tar.gz ./hfscreenshot --help
./hfscreenshot -i jpg -q 80 -f 00cc00 -b 000000 -d /audio/import hfshot ./hfscreenshot --image-format jpg --jpeg-quality 80 --foreground 00cc00 --background 000000 --target-dir /audio/import hfshot
These commands are equivalent. Both create a file named "hfshot.jpg" in the directory "/audio/import" with a JPEG quality of 80. The foreground and background colors are defined using a hexadecimal notation for the combination of red, green, and blue color values (as done in HTML documents).
hdreset resets the hard disk checksum in EEPROM Atmel 24C08 of newer Hifidelio devices. This tool is required if you must replace the internal hard disk due to failure or for some other reason.
Download hdreset file
hdreset.tar.gz (Binary and source files)
You can learn more about the Hifidelio at these sites:
Hifidelio official website
German Hifidelio user forum (primarily in German)
German Hifidelio user wiki
Vincent Kars' "Rough Guide to the Hifidelio"
The Hifidelio also was marketed as the "Olive Symphony," "Olive Musica," and "Olive Opus" in the United States and other countries by Olive Media Products. Here is another resource for information about the Hifidelio/Olive products:
AVS Forums (in English)